Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Annie Dillard imitation

When I woke up this morning I remembered dreaming about being a patch of finally cared for blue grass growing in the yard by the house. With my mind constantly worrying about what will come of me today. As I lay here I can hear the thunder of horse hooves moving my way. Will I be tromped by the 1000 lb horse or will he/she engulf me into his jaw and have me as a mid day desert.
I made it through watching a few of my surrounding friends be smashed and bitten in half. As I start to beleive I have made it through I can now here the laughter of childeren moving my way. Will my life be threaten by the step of a toddler waldling around the yard for the first time in their life. If I make it through I am sure to be destroyed by someting in the days to come.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Buffalo for the Broken Heart

Dan O’Brien uses his land as close to the way it was used before it was homesteaded. This is just like what the English department is trying to do with the Casey land. O’Brien’s land is a little different than the Casey land because he is fencing it off and trying to raise cattle or buffalo for a profit to make a living. If he wanted to be more like the English department is with the Casey land he would remove all fences and let the land over grow with weeds and bushes. He would also would be leaving it open to all wild animals to live there.

Casey Land Snap Shot

The Casey Land trip was very normal surroundings for me. My family and I spend a lot of time in areas like this in Iowa and Montana to go horseback riding. In the places we go in Montana we pack up into the mountains for a week or two and live with the bears and moose. There was only one thing that stood out to me on the Casey land and that was the stream. I surprised me that it was so shallow and had a solid bottom of rock. Most creeks I see in Iowa have more of a mud bottom to them.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What I did over spring break

For break I went to Fort Worth, Texas with my husband for our honey moon. While down there we spent our whole time at the Stock Yards. They have now made most of the cattle yards into tourist shops and restaurants. The train yard is still used because during the day they have train rides and they also have trains bringing in people from other parts of Texas to spend a few hours at the Stock Yards. Two times a day you will hear the clip clomping of horse hooves against the brick road. As the cowboys drive a long-horn heard of cattle down through the streets.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wendell Berry

I felt this poem kinda gives a brief description of what the world is becoming over time. Mixed in whit it is things he is telling us to do. Not sure if these things are suppose to make it easier for us in this changing world.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Having Faith

I am going to talk about the substance in the essay Having Faith. The author uses evidence such as facts, statistics, quotations, and even some of her own life experiences to contrary her purpose to the reader. One example of a quote from the essay is from 1996 “Breast milk if regulated like infant formula, would commonly violate Food and Drug Administration action levels for poisonous or deleterious substances in food and could not be sold.” From her own experience that she brings up to help prove how important the topic is when they started pulling eggs off the grocery store shelf because it was infected. As the time went by they started pulling, all meat, milk, and butter too for the same reasons. One supporting detail that stuck out to me was the one where she listed the side effects of the chemical dioxide. She used the emotional approach by mentioning the treble side effects it can have on an unborn child.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

John Muir

John Muir's audience for his essays is the person that looks at the land as being a wonder that God created. His purpose is to convince the reader that some of the things we assume the devil created, such as the alligator and bear, are not as bad as we make them out to be. He tries to gain authority by making you think he went through these adventures. He uses emotion to drawl you in an example of this is when the dog is being attackted by the alligator.