Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Annie Dillard imitation

When I woke up this morning I remembered dreaming about being a patch of finally cared for blue grass growing in the yard by the house. With my mind constantly worrying about what will come of me today. As I lay here I can hear the thunder of horse hooves moving my way. Will I be tromped by the 1000 lb horse or will he/she engulf me into his jaw and have me as a mid day desert.
I made it through watching a few of my surrounding friends be smashed and bitten in half. As I start to beleive I have made it through I can now here the laughter of childeren moving my way. Will my life be threaten by the step of a toddler waldling around the yard for the first time in their life. If I make it through I am sure to be destroyed by someting in the days to come.

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