Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Two questions for Terry Tempest and Rick Bass

What made you choose to write about your home areas?
Do you do most of your writings about wild animals? And if so why?

The James Gang Hideout Hut

The James Gang Hideout is located on the mountain side the railroad owns above my grandparents'' house just south of Livingston in Montana. The hut is made from large logs, with a grass and leaf covered roof. With the door oriented to the northeast , so when you walk out you see the meadow a few feet below. A mix of tall Western Larches and Subalpine Firs surround the hut threatening to take over the mountain. A few feet to the northeast of the hut is a meadow full of large rocks and several kinds of wild flowers. These wild flowers are breath taking in the late spring and through the summer. The shape of the hut is octagon and seems more spacious from the inside that it does from the outside. From deep inside you can hear the harmony of country western love songs. As you wonder inside the hut the first thing that will catch your eye is the small, wood table that is set for two with fine china. Placed in the middle of the table is a white vase with a red ribbon full of fully bloomed red roses. Then around the vase is four candles lit and lighting the well set table. As you try to back out quietly without making a sound you notice a young, in love couple sitting on the loveseat watching the fire burn in the wood stove.

Map of Hardin County

Included in this map are only two of the main highways that are in the county. These highways are included just to help people figure out what part of Iowa it is located. This map is a little dated because Hwy 20 now runs all the way through the county just south of Iowa Falls and north of Buckeye, Owasa, and Steamboat Rock. This map also shows all the towns in the county where they are located. The map leaves out county roads, peoples houses, and the buisnesses in the towns. These are left out because the perpus of the map is to show what towns are in Hardin County.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My home town is Lenox, Iowa down in the southwest corner of the state. I chose this immage because it is the bigest commpany in our small town. Barker Implement is the only buissness in town that every body goes to besides the school. If I could represent the twon differntly I would have took a picture of the rodeo arena. Wich puts on one the the best rodeos around one a year.
I am going to use the Alice Walker essay. The major theme in this piece is that every living thing has feelings. These feelings can be sad, hurt, angury, or happy. The piece went on to talk aboout how we are hurting the trees and how the snake was scard to venture from the garden, because that has always been its home. A minor theme is that we are not indivdualy judged. For example, when people think snakes are dangurous they asoom they all are. Instead we should judge them as individuals. Towards the end it went on to talk about how as one person we can not change the oppion of others about humans without all humans changing their ways.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

100-word "photo"

The image I am using is located on page 82. When looking at just the bottom half of the photo it looks like any ordinary small community. It shows part of the side of a white house with black boarders around the two windows. Below the windows is a petite patio. From the patio you can see part of a small garden with a variety of plants growing. Beyond the garden there is a white tool shed. Further down the yard you see a neighbor's house. This house a yellow worn-down house. From here you would expect to see comely blue skies. Instead you see what looks like huge, whit flower vases. These objects in the back ground of the photo are parts of the coal plant.