Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The James Gang Hideout Hut

The James Gang Hideout is located on the mountain side the railroad owns above my grandparents'' house just south of Livingston in Montana. The hut is made from large logs, with a grass and leaf covered roof. With the door oriented to the northeast , so when you walk out you see the meadow a few feet below. A mix of tall Western Larches and Subalpine Firs surround the hut threatening to take over the mountain. A few feet to the northeast of the hut is a meadow full of large rocks and several kinds of wild flowers. These wild flowers are breath taking in the late spring and through the summer. The shape of the hut is octagon and seems more spacious from the inside that it does from the outside. From deep inside you can hear the harmony of country western love songs. As you wonder inside the hut the first thing that will catch your eye is the small, wood table that is set for two with fine china. Placed in the middle of the table is a white vase with a red ribbon full of fully bloomed red roses. Then around the vase is four candles lit and lighting the well set table. As you try to back out quietly without making a sound you notice a young, in love couple sitting on the loveseat watching the fire burn in the wood stove.

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